Through the Looking Glass of Modern Politics
Croquet balls turned hedgehogs and hookah-smoking caterpillars have nothing on the bizarre events of the 2016 election season we’ve been forced to endure (we’re writing this in June). And just when we need a good belly laugh to keep from going Mad Hatter crazy, satire is down for the count given that real events far outpace the absurdity of anything we could possibly make up.
Even as we can’t quite turn our heads from the curious spectacle of it all, we feel the societal costs of such a dysfunctional political dialogue stacking up, and we’re even coming to viscerally understand the vast depths of real anger at the status quo.
But as the Cheshire cat so rightly observed to Alice “if you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there” – so too perhaps it’s time for us to do some deep ciphering of our own.
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We’ll kick the season off in September with experienced political insiders who’ve climbed out of the rabbit hole to help us figure just where the heck we really are anyway. We’ll continue our figuring in January as we look at the topsy-turvy up’s down and down’s up post-Brexit international order. We’ll contemplate just where a world goes from here.
And as we end our journey through the looking glass by April (do allow us to keep hope that it will, in fact, end) we’ll introduce you to some truly wise people who’ve been thinking BIG “drink me” thoughts and imagining “impossible things before breakfast” about just how one can turn a trip down a rabbit hole into enduring wisdom – and possibly achieve just a little more plain old fashioned boredom on our next outing.
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2016-17 Season Events

Civic Wisdom from a Couple of Cool Caterpillars

America + the World Post-Brexit

A Citizen’s Election Survival Guide

A Citizen’s Election Season Survival Guide
Cheaper and more enjoyable than the therapy we’ll probably all need by fall, we’ll start our Dinner Season political insiders who’ll help us understand how in the world we got where we are (and might even help us figure a way back out).

America + The World, in the Age of Trump + Brexit
Here we are post-election in a world that seems to be solidly running amok, as world order itself seems to have the collywobbles and is coming undone. We’ll discuss the barmy bits n bobs, particularly the global rise of nationalism and what it means on this side of the pond.

Civic Wisdom From a Couple of Cool Caterpillars
When you’re doing something as crazy as trying to cross the partisan divide, you meet some interesting fellow travelers along the way. Here’s where we bring them to meet you and we hang out. Hookahs strictly optional.