“Through the Looking Glass of Modern Politics”

The 2016-17 series begins this year with “Tumbling
Down a Rabbit Hole: A Citizen’s Election Season
Survival Guide.”
Liz Joyner
The Village Square
Founder + President


Invites citizens to Dinner at the Square series: “Through the Looking Glass of Modern Politics”

Begins September 20 with “Citizen’s Election Season Survival Guide”

(TALLAHASSEE, FL) – September 13, 2016 – Tired of the low-rent political controversy du jour? Bored with the finger-pointing, whining, squabbling, temper tantrums and gotcha games? Planning to check the “none of the above” box at the voting booth? It’s election season and the assaults to our values, intelligence and patience are out again in full force.

If you’re among the majority of Americans who feel our civic conversation resembles dystopian fiction, The Village Square offers a Dinner at the Square series just for you. The 2016-17 series “Curiouser and Curioser: Through the Looking Glass of Modern Politics,” launches on Tuesday, September 20th with “Tumbling Down a Rabbit Hole: A Citizen’s Election Season Survival Guide.”

We’ve invited two of our neighbors (and real-life across-the-aisle friends) – people who’ve each spent a lifetime in the midst of the political fray – over for an honest conversation about the whole fiasco. Sally Bradshaw, Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Chief of Staff, hasn’t been long off the presidential campaign trail and will bring us a front row perspective on the experience, offering up Sally’s usual wisdom on what she’s made of it. Joining her will be Steve Vancore of VancoreJones Communications, campaign and polling whiz kid, to share what he’s seeing from his bird’s eye view. Wendy Walker, our moderator for the evening, will bring her unique experience gathering people of all of political stripes in her capacity as President of Leadership Florida.

And in keeping with the program’s theme, the Village Square has re-released an actual “Election Season Survival Guide.” Filled with tips to save your sanity (while you improve your citizenship and get a new spring in your step), this guide will become your indispensible companion as you dream of making it past Tuesday, Nov. 9th without losing your mind, your temper, or your belief in democracy. Online: tlh.villagesquare.us/blog/survival-guide.

“Tumbling Down a Rabbit Hole: A Citizen’s Election Season Survival Guide” will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 5:30 to 7:30 pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church downtown.

The Dinner at the Square season continues in January 24th with “All Bollocksed Up: Our World Post-Brexit” and finishes April 25th with “Civic Wisdom from the Best Hookah-Smoking Caterpillars We Know.” Hookahs optional.

For more information, visit tlh.villagesquare.us, call 570-3327 or email info@villagesquare.us.

