Order, Chaos + Homo Sapiens
(Turns out a planet full of humans is no easy matter.)

Order, Chaos + Homo Sapiens
Check out pictures from this event here. One enduring reality makes every challenge of democratic self-governance more difficult: human beings. The founders integrated their deep understanding of our flawed nature into the form of government they designed — the checks and balances, the rights of the minority to control the power and excess of majority factions. Now that those dudes are no longer around and it’s our job to steer the ship of state, are we adequately contemplating how the most essential truths of our psychology as a species affect our ability to live and govern together? Are we making good decisions given, uh, humans?
Add to the complex stew of human nature the politics of power – who’s in (and likes order), and who’s out (and will flirt with the change that chaos can bring) – and all the disruption we’re currently experiencing starts to have a story arc.
Good Reads and Watches
- Unheard.com:Our new political order: Ins v Outs, not Left v Right Henry Olsen
- TED.com The Filter Bubble also a book by Eli Pariser
- The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion Jonathan Haidt
- NY Magazine: American wasn’t built for humans Andrew Sullivan