

When Pigs Fly

We consider our mission both impossible and mandatory. Thus, the flying pig.
He seemed to get us from the very beginning — and we certainly empathized with him.

Join A Club (the fate of America depends on it)

Check out the small groups we are launching in 2024 and share your interests here.

Upcoming Events

Hope to see you soon!

Created Equal & Breathing Free

A 13-episode podcast series in partnership with Florida Humanities

Local Patriots

Ahead of our program "Stand in the place where we live" we've looked high and low for people who stand up and make things happen where we live right here in Tallahassee. Meet your nominees.

Civil Rights Legend Patricia Stephens Due

Unflinching brave, often-arrested, Patricia and CORE's
unsung foot soldiers changed America — and changed our hometown.

Take our 5-Foot Challenge: Submit a Mini-Grant Idea

We're looking for ideas that help create a dynamic,
social civic connectedness - where residents from all
backgrounds exchange ideas and engage with neighbors.

God Squad: “The Benedict Option.”

We should understand why conservative Christians feel threatened by our culture. As we spend a year "Living Locally" remember that some of our neighbors feel this disconnection in their lives.

We Each Have A Story. Caroline Kirk

Relationships, positivity, compassion, and the pursuit of truth are ideals that I believe exist at the core of civility and within all “good.”

Seven Things That Inspired Us at #WeaveThePeople

At a time when the social fabric in American civic life is fraying, this Big Bold project gathered Amazing People from across the country who are deeply devoting to Weaving The People back together.

5-Foot Challenge: The Culture of Trust

We're looking for law enforcement officers and people of color who'd like to participate in this project. Learn more and find an application link below.

Local Color Midterm: Progress report

Our self-evaluation of Local Color

Join us for Created Equal

“We shall learn to live together as brothers and sisters or we will perish together as fools. The choice is ours: chaos or community.” –Martin Luther King Jr.

Morality + Politics: Rabbi Jack Romberg

Must see Village Square TV: Village Square board chair Jack Romberg speaks with Gary Yordon of WCTV’s The Usual Suspects about the intersection of morality and politics (December 16, 2017). Watch by clicking here.

The Jefferson Dinner: Free Speech and Safe Space

An important conversation toward "all men are created equal" in the Jeffersonian tradition

Jack Romberg: A Lesson from the Broadway Play Hamilton

The show makes sure we understand that it was more than the well known founding fathers who contributed to the strength of our country...

We’re hiring an Operations Manager

Looks like America needs The Village Square now more than ever. We’re hiring a leader to help rocket fuel our spread from sea to shining sea. Sound like you? (Like crossing the Delaware, only warmer and with less water.)

Welcoming Conservatives

Our experience welcoming our conservative neighbors into vibrant dialogue (and new friendships)

Berkeley + BYU

Reigniting America’s Civic Ecosystem
– at Universities and Beyond

Host a Living Room Concert

Royce Lovett + Your Living Room = A memorable and meaningful conversation on issues of color + community in America

Local Color Catalyst 411

What you need to know about being a catalyst. Kind of a toolkit.

Catalyze Local Color: Gathering, not separating.

Help us imagine - and create - a Tallahassee where in good times and bad, we gather across race, creed and ideology. Divergent opinion welcome.