Welcoming our Local Color Catalysts
Along with so many other Americans, we’ve watched the unfolding tragedy of growing racial tension over these past few years with a feeling of powerlessness. There have been too many deaths and too few solutions; too many stilted blue ribbon commissions and too little deep thought and real conversation.
So we challenged ourselves to think of another way. Close your eyes and imagine what a post-racial America looks like. How do we spend our free time and with who? How do we see our differences and similarities? What do we do when a tragedy occurs?
Imagine if in times of crisis instead of separating into feuding digital tribes, we instinctively gathered – even when it’s difficult – with neighbors across color, creed and ideology. We’re calling what we’ve imagined Local Color, and we’d like to invite YOU to be a part of creating it right here in Tallahassee. We’re inviting you to be one of our Local Color Catalysts – to help us build something new. Find more information about the Local Color project here. Watch the video to find out what our partner Motown Recording Artist Royce Lovett hopes for our project.