Tim Urban’s “What Our Problem”

In Tim Urban's telling, our problem is that big ugly orange monster roam the land, we need rival genies to save us - and we're wasting our lives like moths flying around a porch light.
Kate Kile
The Village Square
Director of Strategy & Operations
Our primer on why we’ve got to pay attention to Tim’s genius work, and why he’ll be joining us for UNUM on October 15 @ 7pm ET. Click here to join us.

Tim Urban’s book *”What’s Our Problem?”* digs deep into the complexities of modern society, particularly in the U.S., where we seem to be struggling with some big, systemic challenges. Here’s a look at a few of *our* biggest problems through Tim Urban’s lens:

### 1. **Toxic Polarization**

One of the most glaring issues we face today is extreme polarization. We’re not just disagreeing anymore—we’re treating those who think differently as enemies. The public square has become more about shouting than listening, more about winning than understanding. This divide makes it nearly impossible to have productive conversations or find common ground, leaving us stuck in a cycle of “us vs. them.”

### 2. **Tribalism Over Critical Thinking**

In an era where social media amplifies the loudest and most divisive voices, people are increasingly retreating into echo chambers. Instead of approaching problems with curiosity or intellectual honesty, we cling to our “tribe’s” beliefs and reject any ideas from the other side without considering their merits. This kind of groupthink stifles progress and keeps us from tackling problems in innovative, effective ways.

### 3. **Decline in Institutional Trust**

Americans are losing faith in the institutions that have traditionally upheld our democracy—government, media, even education. Whether it’s frustration over political gridlock or the spread of misinformation, people are feeling disconnected from the systems meant to serve them. This erodes civic engagement, leaving people cynical and checked out rather than hopeful and proactive.

### 4. **Hyperfocus on Short-Term Solutions**

Our political and economic systems are often focused on immediate, short-term gains rather than long-term, sustainable solutions. From election cycles that reward flashy, surface-level policies to corporate models that prioritize quarterly profits over future stability, we tend to ignore the bigger picture. This creates a reactive rather than proactive society, where deeper issues are left to fester.

### 5. **Crisis of Meaning and Connection**

In a world that’s increasingly fast-paced and digital, people are struggling with a sense of anomie—a feeling of disconnect or meaninglessness. Many feel isolated despite being more “connected” than ever. Without strong community ties or a sense of purpose, we’re left trying to fill that void with divisive politics, consumerism, or endless social media scrolling.

### 6. **Information Overload**

The internet gives us access to limitless information, but it’s becoming harder to tell what’s credible and what’s not. This flood of content overwhelms our capacity for critical thinking and can lead to poor decision-making, as people latch onto misleading information or convenient “facts” that confirm their biases.

So, *what is our problem*? In short, it’s that we’ve built a society that fosters division, discourages meaningful dialogue, and prioritizes immediate gratification over lasting solutions. But, as Tim Urban emphasizes, understanding *why* we’re stuck is the first step toward finding a way out.

That’s why his work resonates so much—because we need to pause, take a step back, and think critically about where we are and where we want to go. And it’s exactly why conversations like the one we’re hosting with Tim are so important!