Exit the Echo Chamber
God Squad
Exit the Echo Chamber: Fake News, Filter Bubbles and Faith
Date and TimeSaturday, April 1, 2017 @ 12:00 pm
Summer is right around the corner and we know you have plans – fishing, sunbathing, a summer read or two? Whatever you’re up to, we say you add just one more to-do: “Save the planet by escaping the echo chamber.” Doable.
Josh Hall
First Baptist Church Associate Pastor of Student Ministries
Darrick McGhee 2017
Johnson + Blanton Chief Operating Officer
Tim Holeda
Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More Rector
Betsy Ouellette Zierden
Good Samaritan UMC Former Pastor
Jack Romberg
Village Square Co-Chair
Because talking politics isn’t hard enough
Blast from the Past Archive. Because truly genius wisdom is evergreen.
Can’t get enough of that unique and timeless God Squad wisdom and transcendence? Need a refresher between programs? The vast majority of our past programs can be listened to on Village SquareCast. Click the link below and binge what your mother warned you to avoid in polite company — faith and politics. (Fair warning – you might need to order out for dinner tonight.)