Divided States of America

How we got here and how we get back (in 365 days or less)

2010-11 Season

The Divided States of America

How we got here and how we get back (in 365 days or less)

A decade ago the Florida Recount deepened and sharpened the political divisions in our society, which we felt very personally right here in Florida’s Capital City. But it turns out the divisions are far more than just political ones – we seem to be leading separate lives in so many different ways – we live near more people just like us, we go to church with people in our political tribe, and with all the choices we have in media sources, we can only listen to the people who think just like we do.

And if all that weren’t enough, it turns out we human beings were built to be tribal. We’re groupish as a species, so all the time we spend apart is starting to take a toll on the whole “e pluribus unum” concept.

The 2010-11 Dinner at the Square season will dive into the forces that are pulling us apart and seek to understand how we can reverse them. In 365 days or less. No big deal.

And if all that weren’t enough, it turns out we human beings were built to be tribal. We’re groupish as a species, so all the time we spend apart is starting to take a toll on the whole “e pluribus unum” concept.

The 2010-11 Dinner at the Square season will dive into the forces that are pulling us apart and seek to understand how we can reverse them. In 365 days or less. No big deal.

2011-12 Season

Jun 21, 2011

Authentic Patriotism

True patriotism serves. Author Stephen P. Kiernan joins us.
Apr 5, 2011

The Psychology of Polarization

with special guests Matt Motyl and Dr. Jonathan Haidt
Feb 22, 2011

The Big Sort

Why the Clustering of Likeminded America is Tearing us Apart with Bill Bishop
Sep 21, 2010

Florida Recount Reunion

We’re getting the band back together again — from both sides of the recount. Same place, same people. Friendlier.
Same people, same city. More friendly.

Florida Recount Reunion

As the spate of August town halls comes to an end, The Village Square offers a new twist on the health care debate by serving it up for dinner, with a side of civility, diversity of opinion and fact checking on the side. Who knew this was possible?

With special guest Bill Bishop

The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart

Turns out Americans have been sorting ourselves in every aspect of our lives – in the news we watch, the books we read, the churches we attend, even the neighborhoods we live in. Uh oh.

An evening with Matt Motyl and Jonathan Haidt

The Psychology of Polarization

Meet our friends Matt Motyl and Jonathan Haidt, moral psychologists who are charting new ground in understanding how our human nature makes civil discourse much more difficult when we spend most of our time with people just like us.

True Patriotism Serves

Authentic Patriotism with Stephen P. Kiernan

We’ll finish this year’s discussion of our divisions with a bit of a call to action, issued in the form of a powerful book by Nautilus Book Award winner Stephen P. Kiernan: Authentic Patriotism.