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Village Square 101: Of, by and for the people

The hostile tone of our national debate is a predictable result of the worrisome reality that we’ve essentially formed tribes. We’ll all grow old waiting for Washington to fix it, so we’re going to have to get it done ourselves.

The Square: A Founding Tale

The Village Square was born. It wasn’t always exactly a “square” in the “village,” although sometimes it was. It was the spirit of all this talking.

Liz Joyner:
Ode to the Town Hall

Within the ethos of the town meeting is the important founding principle that political foes must grudgingly become partners as they engage conflicting ideas in order to govern.

Oyez, oyez, oyez.
Join the Town Hall.

Despite the differences between our founders – and the odds against them – in this new country the king was no longer the seat of power. It was now the humble town hall.

Jack Romberg: Faith and Science

The scientific community need not see religion as opposition. Rather, just as science is an attempt to explore truth, religion does the same.